(2017) 19MINS
Jake banks his boyish ambitions of being an astronaut inside a jar of coins. But there are those who would step all over his dreams. Can he still manage to make the giant leap?
Starring: Brandon Brownlee, Paul McGuinness, Rachel McGrane, Will O'Hare and Caolan Johnston
Written, Edited & Directed by Carleton Rodgers
Produced by Michael Costello & Carleton Rodgers
Director of Photography: Carl Quinn
Music by: James Everett
Visual Effects Supervisor: Timothy Holderman

"When we're young, our dreams and aspirations are fueled by the support of others. The question for Jake is whether his dreams are only made possible through encouragement or if they are written in the stars."
Carleton Rodgers - Director

Alexandria Film Festival
Belfast Film Festival
Irish Film Festa
Fargo Film Festival
Carrboro Film Festival
Media Film Festival
West Texas Film Festival
DU Film Festival**
Green Bay Film Festival
Rockport Film Festival
NI Short Film Awards
Film Devour Short Film Festival
River Bend Film Festival
Mid Tenn Film Fest
Tally Shorts Film Festival
Windy City International Film Festival
Twister Alley Film Festival
Southern Colorado Film Festival
Green Mountain Film Festival
Cabin Fever Film Festival*
Borrego Springs Film Festival
Orlando Urban Film Festival*
Disappear Here Film Festival